Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and embark on a journey of self-discovery amidst the serene nature, ‘Pause’ to renew yourself.
Started in 2021, Mindfully Sorted has so far conducted 20+ retreats, with 450+ women participating from all walks of life. Extending the retreat vibes, we have a community of 800+ women, sharing, inspiring, supporting and cheering each other’s journey.
Facilitated by well known experts in expressive art spaces like Dance & Movement, Music, Art, Mindfulness, Storytelling, we stretch our arms across the Country from Rishikesh to Goa to Coorg to Pondicherry.
Come Join us to experience the journey within, revive, rejuvenate and take charge of your life !
Our retreats are mostly from Friday – Sunday, in premium properties. We at times provide travel arrangements from key locations. All meals, stay, arrangements are managed by us.
We work with trusted hospitality and travel partners, and a safe space for women to travel with us.
Our retreats are open to women of all age groups and women from all walks of life participate to take a break, meet new people and learn new ways to fill your life with joy and happiness.