
Flourish - A Women's Retreat

Flourish Retreats are organized and conducted by women, for women.

Your comfort, safety, and well-being are our priority. At Flourish Retreats, we work towards creating a safe space for women where they can
unplug from their busy lives, have fun, spend some time in nature and in the company of other like-minded women, explore and express themselves, declutter their minds, and find ways to work through their self-limiting beliefs and mindset. So we invite you to come over to be part of our 17th women's retreat.

Relax. Reconnect. Rejuvenate.

Why Do We Need a Retreat?

Most of the time, we women live our life into-pilot' mode Going through the same activities every day, every week, every year. We sometimes get so busy running in this Gerbil Wheel, we Hardly take care of our physical or mental health. And then we Start to notice the subtle signs of exhaustion or frustration, Feeling overwhelmed or disconnected from ourselves.

Our Body and Our Mind Need To Be Refreshed & Renewed!

Take a BREAK from your routine life and INVEST in YOURSELF. Let your hair down and allow the INNER CHILD in you to experience the joy of living in the moment. Spend time amidst nature, ground yourself, and get plenty of fresh air. Refuel your MIND and BODY through an immersive program . Experience TRUE CONNECTION with yourself and others, as we share, learn, and heal together.

Contact us : 91+ 9611520842/ 98997 60622

Narrative Based Retreat - Storytelling - Expressive Art - Psychology

Throughout life, personal experiences become personal stories. People give these stories meaning, and the stories help shape a person’s identity. Narrative therapy uses the power of these stories to help people discover their life purpose.

“Own Your Story" is a groundbreaking creative process that empowers you to author your life narrative, weaving your experiences, dreams, and aspirations into a vibrant tapestry of self-discovery.

Narrative therapy is sometimes known as involving ‘re-authoring’ or ‘re-storying’ conversations. As these descriptions suggest, stories are central to an understanding of narrative ways of working.

During our retreat, we will immerse into our life stories and express them through art, plays, narrations and find ways to change fixed patterns, limiting believes, inner-conflicts to be our better version , a ‘Hero’ in our own life.

Key Take Away

Explore-Express, Expand your Inner Creativity as you explore your life stories
Discover new ways of moving through life and connect with your expressive self.
Embrace your emotions, learn to cope better with difficult emotions
Find your Inner Tranquility through Meditation, Mindfulness techniques and group healing practices.
Break through the self-imposed prison of self-doubt and limiting beliefs, build Resilience, and find the Courage to let your true self shine through.
Embrace the process of being gentle with yourself through practices rooted in Compassion and Self -acceptance.
Enjoy the beautiful sunset with mighty Himalayas and share stories under the starry sky.
A peaceful ambiance, and the abundant presence of nature. Give yourself a gentle digital detox Revive your senses.
Experience the space where women genuinely see, hear, acknowledge and support each other.

Jyoti Pande

Guest Facilitator

Jyoti Pande is a renowned Storyteller, ardent educationist and a practicing Psychologist with an experience of over 30 years in the fields of teaching and Counselling.

She holds Masters and M.Phil. in Psychology, a certified teachers trainer on Happiness from ICEP Europe (Institute of Child Education and Psychology). She is also a certified Happiness & Mindfulness Coach (Berkley School of Well Being and Happitude). Jyoti has also been trained in mindfulness from Mindful School (U.K.) and is a certified educator. To deepen her practice of mindfulness, she regularly attends retreats by AHIMSA trust, conducted by monks from plum Village (ThichNhat Hanh).


The Experience Includes :

2 night stay at Neer Ganga Resort, A premium property with Mountain facing cottages along with aerial view of Ganges flowing
Travel arrangements from Delhi if required
All meals, tea/coffee, no additional cost

Working on ourselves has never been more fun! Mark your calendar and join us as we Flourish together.

The seats are limited, enroll today to avail early bird discounts.

